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Learning at P.S. 145

Welcome to P.S. 145, a school that provides quality education for all students. We believe that every child deserves an opportunity to learn and grow, and we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can do so. Our admissions process is simple and easy to follow. We welcome you to visit us and learn more about our school.

Monolingual Program

General Education


Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT)

A general education classroom is one that is composed of students of whom at least 70 percent are without identified special education eligibility, that utilizes the general curriculum, that is taught by an instructor certified for general education.

Dual Language Programs




Our Dual Language Programs are designed for both English Language Learners and native English speakers. This program successfully educates students belonging to each of these groups through a curriculum designed to foster an appreciation for one's own culture and the cultures of others. This curriculum, like the rest of our school, is multimedia-themed and project-based. Both our SDLP and RDLP run from PK-5. We use the Alternate Day Model and predetermine which days the target language will be spoken. Click here to see what language your child is speaking today.

English as a New Language



Our ENL program is a combination push-in and pull-out, depending on the needs of the students. English language learners may leave their regular classroom for a short period each day or week to receive direct ENL teaching or tutoring. Sometimes, they are pulled out individually and sometimes in small groups. Our ENL teacher also pushes in to support the classroom's teacher instruction and help the student in learning the content of instruction.

Special Education

Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT)


Self-Contained (12:1:1)


Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS)


Our Special Education program means specially designed individualized or group instruction or special services or programs and special transportation, provided at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities.

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