Related Services

Speech & Language Services

  • Speech-Language Pathologists help students develop and improve their communication skills. This includes helping with speech sounds (articulation/phonology), stuttering (fluency), understanding spoken language (listening comprehension), expanding vocabulary, expressing thoughts and needs (expressive language), social skills, voice, and feeding/swallowing. In a school setting, SLPs also play an essential role in supporting students’ development of reading and writing (literacy) whether by working directly with students or by providing professional development opportunities for teachers. Speech and language services are provided in accordance with students’ Individualized Educational Programs. Students are typically seen one-on-one and/or in small groups in a designated speech therapy room and/or in students’ classrooms. Our SLPs are committed to close collaboration with families/caregivers, classroom teachers, and special education teams to help students achieve their full potential in both academic and social lives.

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

Guidance Counseling

English as a Second Language (ESL)

  • Our ESL program is a combination push-in and pull-out, depending on the needs of the students. English language learners may leave their regular classroom for a short period each day or week to receive direct ESL teaching or tutoring. Sometimes, they are pulled out individually and sometimes in small groups. Our ESL teacher also pushes in to support the classroom's teacher instruction and help the student in learning the content of instruction.

Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS)

  • SETSS is specially designed and/or supplemental instruction provided by a special education teacher that can help your child stay in the general education classroom. SETSS may be provided for as few as three hours per week and as much as 50% of each school day.