Field trips are scheduled by classroom teachers throughout the school year. Permission slips are sent home for each field trip that requires travel. No student is allowed to attend a field trip without a signed permission slip. If your child has to remain at school, he/she will go to another classroom for the duration of the trip. Neighborhood walking trips do not require specific permission slips. In the beginning of the school year, teachers distribute “walking” permission slips, which should be signed and returned to the teacher. By signing this slip, you give permission for your child to walk with the class to nearby neighborhood destinations.

Parent chaperones are needed for many trips. Teachers determine how many chaperones are needed for each trip, and schedule volunteers in a fair and equitable way. Due to safety considerations, younger siblings are not allowed to accompany you should you volunteer to chaperone a class trip. To ensure safety on a trip, chaperones must be attentive to all of the students in attendance.